Buy Medela Harmony breast pump online is the best ideal manual breast milk pump for the moms who occasionally take breast milk manually to feed their baby. Buy this Harmony breast pump online at Shycart. This pump has the 2-phase expression technology which mimics similar to baby’s suction and makes the breast milk extraction an easier process.

This is an affordable and convenient solution to those who are travelling or only need to pump on occasion. It would also be a nice companion to a double electric pump for moms that just need something small to travel with. This is the best breast pump reviewed as “Compact & best performance” in Manual pump category
The pump comes with 2 bottles with lids, a bottle stand, a breast flange and adapter with an expression lever to top it off which makes it fit in a carry-on or personal bag and is super discrete because of its small size and near-silent operation. Need not worry of the power plugs, battery malfunctions issues during your travel or at home.
Due to the "double phase expression" mode and the ability to operate it yourself and determine exactly what speed and suction level needed to you, gives it a comfortable pump to operate manually. It allows for a more gentle start and you can choose when to begin the longer, harder suction and still maintain a comfortable level for you.
Highly efficient pump due to superior design it has. This pump work quickly and efficiently on each breast without too much fatigue from operating it manually.
Easy usage
This pump is simple to set up and to use. . You simply take the bottle, assemble the adaptor, breast flange, lever to top to make the set up of the pump screw the adapter onto it, pop in the breast flange, connect the expression lever to the top and bottle stand to you are set to pump. This worked efficiently emptying a single breast in about the same time as an electric pump (depending on your milk flow and the quickness of your pumping hand).
It is easy to disassemble and clean the parts of this pump. But cleaning the pump lever adapter is a difficult task but it’s not going to affect hygiene since the expressed milk does not come in contact with this part.
The lever has a nice, soft rubber cover that makes pumping a little easier on your hand and contributes to quite operation.
Suitable for two type of mom’s requirement
- If you plan on taking a few trips, especially those that require a flight, this pump is a life saver. It can fit easily into a carry on or personal bag. Its small size makes it easy and discrete if you need to express milk during a packed flight.
- For moms who stay at home planning to pump on occasional date, night or errand running? It coverts your baby needs for shorter times occasionally.
Advantage of Harmony breast pump
- Cheaper than electric breast pumps
- Does not cost you to run it (electric power or battery)
- Fewer components make them easier to clean and sterilise than electric pumps
- Compactness and easy to fit into your handbag
- Very simple usage method to assemble and use
- Lightweight
Disadvantage of Harmony breast pump
- It does not come with a tote bag or an insulated bag to store your expressed milk
- This Pump comes with one size nipple shield (24mm), in case of other sizes needed, we need buy it separately.
- Difficult to get into a regular pumping rhythm
- Initially it will be slower to operate till you get used to its rhythm
- Repeated pumping will cause your hands to pain and get tired
Frequently asked question
Does the Medela Harmony manual breast pump takes more time to assemble?
No, it is easy & quick to assemble in short time with the instruction manual illustrations.
What is the methodology does Harmony use to express milk?
It uses the 2-Phase Expression which mimics the baby’s suckling rhythm of short sucks initially followed by longer more milk which makes it an effective breast pumping and feeding experience.
How is the design of Harmony pump?
The design of the Medela Harmony is great as its small enough to fit in bag so that it can be used to pump on the go and handle is easy to hold and manipulate.
For whom the Harmony type pump fits best?
Mums who need to express milk occasionally. Have difficulties with flat or inverted nipples, pump on the go, or give their breasts a break from the harsh suction on their electric pumps.
This pump really is wonderful. It delivers on the promises it makes, is good value for money and expresses breast milk in a short span of time. It is highly recommended to go for this Harmony pump if you are looking for a manual pump. The Harmony Manual Breast Pump is easy to handle, assemble and clean. This small and light Breast Pump is mobile, comfortable to transport, makes you not dependent on another person to feed your child.
Few specification about Harmony pump
Product Specs
Medela Harmony Manual
170 grams (approx)
Closed vs. Open System
Double, Single, or Both type
Digital controls
Adjustable Speed
yes- manual
Adjustable Suction
Maximum Suction Strength
2-Phase Expression
Flange Sizes
can purchase different sizes
AC Adapter
Battery Details
Battery Duration
Bottle Holder/Stand
Included Accessories
2 bottles with lids, bottle stand, pump