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Menstrual cup price in India

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Menstrual cup price in India

Menstrual cups do come in various sizes, colours, types across various brands. There are a lot of variations in terms of price across the brands. What causes the variation is mainly the type of silicone used to manufacture the menstrual cup. The type of ribs and stem and the support that offers it matters,a lot. Always, beware of the cheap and local chinese brand silicone cup manufacturers since they are known for creating irritations and itches due to their low fold nature.

Listed below are the prices of various available to buy menstrual cup online in India.

Menstrual cup name Price
Menstrual cup - She cup - Regular - Pre child birth + Up to 30 years -28 ml capacity - Knob type stem Rs.1059
Menstrual cup - shecup double Rs.2080
Rustic Art - Menstrual cup - Large - Post child birth + Over 30 years - Solid tube stem Rs.1250
Rustic Art - Menstrual cup - Small - Pre-child birth + Up to 30 years - Solid tube stem Rs.850
Stone soup wings - Menstrual cup without stem Rs.945
Boondh Menstrual cup - Standard Size - 6 colours - Knob type stem Rs.590
Menstrual cup - She cup - Large - Post child birth + Over 30 years -28 ml capacity - Flat tab Bigger stem Rs.1185
Everteen Menstrual cup - Small - Solid tube stem Rs.435
Everteen Menstrual cup - Large - Solid tube stem Rs.455
Icare Reusable Menstrual Cup - Small Size Rs.499
Icare Reusable Menstrual Cup - Large Size Rs.499
Intimus Reusable Menstrual Cup - Small Size Rs.699
Intimus Reusable Menstrual Cup - Large Size Rs.699
SOCH Reusable Menstrual Cup Rs.1999
Menstrual Cup Cleaning Tumbler Rs.245
Trucup Menstrual Cup - 3 Colours - 2 Sizes Rs.999
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Modified on 19 Aug, 2019

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