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Buy Pigeon manual breast pump and disposable breast pads online

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Good service, Quality products, very good online customer support
On  14-Jan-2019
Good for money -
Good service, Quality products, very good online customer support
On  25-Jun-2013
Good stuff -
Good service, Quality products, very good online customer support
On  25-Jun-2013

Why does my breast hurt after pumping?

Many moms think pumping milk from the breast is a painful process. Or they think it is common if it hurts during or after the pumping process. It is not true. If there is any pain during or after the pumping it is required to follow the steps below:

Is there any side effect of breast pump?

Breast pumps are great in so many ways. They make the lives of working mothers easier than ever. The privilege of storing breast milk for 2-3 days helps them to feed their babies even in their absence. But there are some side effects too. In this article, let us elaborate on some of the common side effects that mom unaware of.

Is breast pumping painful?

Breast pumping should not be painful. But if it hurts then there is something that should be done right away without any delay.

Can pumping damage breast tissue?

Breast pumping is one of the best things that happened to a full-time working mother who yearns to feed her baby with her milk even in her absence. Though they are expensive, breast pumps are needed to be used and handled with care. Else it would wreak havoc in the long run for the users. So what are the aftermaths of the misusage of breast pumps? Let us see here:

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