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Menstrual Cup leaks when I sleep

One of the advantages of using menstrual cups is that it requires fewer changes as they can be worn for up to 12 hours. Apart from the fact that you can wear a menstrual cup for longer times, some women say that their menstrual cups leak when they sleep or lay down. There are ways to troubleshoot these common concerns that help you to have worry-free periods.


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Menstrual Cup leaking at night

My cup isn't full, why does my menstrual cup leak when I sleep? This is a common concern when sleeping with a menstrual cup. For some people when they sleep, the seal of the cup loosens due to their muscles relaxing so much which may result in leakage. To avoid this inserting the cup correctly and ensuring it is inserted at the right angle is important. Another reason why your cup leaks at night can be due to the cup overflow. To avoid this choose the right size menstrual cup depending on your period flow and make sure you empty the cup before sleep. This will give you a full capacity cup for the full night. Also for women with strong pelvic floor muscles, there are chances that menstrual cup is squeezed by the pelvic floor which causes the seal to break. This causes menstrual cup leaking especially when the cup is full.

When compared with your other period supplies, menstrual cups make much less waste and can be worn longer. Order menstrual cup online on shycart and shift to reusable sanitary care.

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Modified on 25 Feb, 2023

Comments (6)

My cup still leaks man..!!!!!! I mean I did everything checked wheather in right position or not Checked whether it is open or not.... Infact tried different ways to lock the seal..... No matter what it still leaks when I sleep....even at night or in day time
about 2 years ago
My cup still leaks man..!!!!!! I mean I did everything checked wheather in right position or not Checked whether it is open or not.... Infact tried different ways to lock the seal..... No matter what it still leaks when I sleep....even at night or in day time
about 2 years ago
My cup still leaks man..!!!!!! I mean I did everything checked wheather in right position or not Checked whether it is open or not.... Infact tried different ways to lock the seal..... No matter what it still leaks when I sleep....even at night or in day time
about 2 years ago
Cup leaks even when inserted properly and not full.
about 2 years ago
Y leek hota h pese brbaad ??
about 3 years ago
It wasn’t helpful at all. My cup leaks even in the right position and when it’s not full
about 3 years ago
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