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How to measure penis size?

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How to measure penis size?

A question that pops up in everyone’s mind! Measuring the penis size can be a bit tricky and you need to follow a certain set of instruction to get it done accurately. You definitely need to know your penis size to choose condom sizes that fit you well. So without further ado, check out the following step by step guide to measure penis size without breaking a sweat:

1. Find a suitable place:

Unless you want to do it out in the open, finding a place that gives you privacy should be the first optimal step. Find a place with a good amount of lighting and privacy, most preferably your private room. This will not only help you get it done smoothly but also save you from the embarrassment of someone intruding your privacy while you’re at it!

condom size chart

2. Get the right tools:

It’s necessary to have a suitable measuring tape to measure your genital length. A hardbound measuring scale is not preferred as it won’t be that accurate and also you would not be able to measure the girth of your penis. A flexible measuring tape would be the best choice and you can also choose units of measurement such as centimetre, inches, decimeter or millimetre as per your preferences.

Choose condom size measurment tool

3. Start from the base:

Hold the tape closely to the base the penis before measuring. It is important to know that the actual penis size is measured from the base that starts from the pubic bone. So you might have to press the end of the tape against your pubic bone to get the most accurate measurement.

4. Go all the way to the tip:

Once you place the tape over the end of the genitalia, lay it over the entire length to the tip of the penis. This will give you the length of the penis. But that’s not it! You still need to measure the girth of your penis to measure the overall size.

5. Measure the width:

Take the measuring tape and wrap it around the thickest part of your penis. This should give you an accurate measurement of your penis girth. Write down or tabulate your overall size for future references. Once you're done with it, you can check out and buy condoms online that suits you the best. 

Measure width

Points to remember:

- Measure the size only when you have a complete erection.

- For more accuracy, always use a soft and flexible measuring tape.

- If unavailable, you can opt for a string to take the measurement and check it later using a scale.

- Take precaution as the edges along the side of the measuring tape can be sharp.

- Compare your size to the average penis size.

- Have a look at the condom size chart to find a suitable condom according to your size.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the average penis size?

The average size of the male organ ranges from 5 inches to 6 inches when erect. However, it is important to note that a penis size of over 3 inches is good enough to have pleasurable sexual intercourse.

How to find a suitable condom according to penis size?

You can refer to the condom size chart to find a suitable condom according to your length and width of the genitalia. The standard size of a condom is 180mm in length and 53±2 mm in width. Although most of the brands manufacture condoms to these standard sizes, there are also options available for small size condoms to give you the best fit.

Can I increase my penis size?

Usually, it is advisable to be happy with whatever size you have. However, if you still feel that smaller penis size is affecting your sex life, you can opt for safer options such as penis enlargement creams to get the necessary results.

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Modified on 27 Jun, 2019

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LOL better photos.
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