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Ovulation Kit online in India at low price

Buy ovulation test kit online to detect the presence of LH in urine. Ovulation kit helps in detecting the fertile days which are considered as the ideal days to conceive.
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Buy Ovulation kit online in India

Ovulation kit is just a device used to determine the fertile days of a woman so that she can plan the best dates for conceiving before-hand. Ovulation kit online in India are urine-based test kits. These ovulation kits will look for the presence of a hormone called Luteinizing Hormone or LH which will be present in the urine only during the fertile days. A woman's chances of conceiving a baby are very high only for two to three days a month. Those days happen to be in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Luteinizing Hormone will be present in the urine only during those two days. So ovulation kit will help to determine the presence of this special hormone. LH hormone will cause to release a single egg in a woman's body and this egg will be alive for only 12-24 hours. This process happens once a month during menstruation. So it is an ideal day to have intercourse to conceive a baby. Buy ovulation kit to plan your pregnancy accordingly.

Ovulation kit - Description

• Ovulation kits are used by couples who are trying to conceive (TTC).

• Ovulation days are the ONLY days when a woman can conceive.

• LH / leutinizing hormones surge in woman during ovulation days.

• The surge in Leutinizing hormone can be identified by testing the urine using ovulation test kit

Ovulation kit - Product Information

An ovulation test kit generally contains the below items.

• 5 or 7 ovulation test strips

• Dropper to pick and drop urine in the test strip

• Silica gel

• Leaflet that details the usage instructions

In order to plan pregnancy effectively, be it to conceive or prevent, it is always suggested to order ovulation test kit online and test to find out the effective days to get conceived effectively.

Frequently asked questions about Ovulation Test Kits

Where to buy ovulation test kit

Buy ovulation kit online in India at shycart with 100% privacy and assures the complete discreet packing and delivery of the products.

When can I use ovulation kits?

The best time to take ovulation test should be around the noon. This is because LH will be synthesised in a women’s body in mornings thus making it convenient to show up in the afternoon via the urine. Try avoiding to take them in the early morning and early in a day as it is not suggested.

What time of day to take ovulation test?

With either type of OPK, it helps to work out when your fertile period is acceptable to start. It's usually the length of your usual cycle minus 17 days. So, if you have a 28-day cycle, start testing on day 11 and carry on for six days. Use our ovulation calculator to help you work out when your window of fertile is likely to be.

How to read ovulation test kit results? -Infographic

How to use an ovulation test kit - Infographic

Is it safe to buy ovulation test kit?

Yes, It is 100% safe to buy ovulation test kit online and it is an one-step test for the detection of ovulation and is completely safe and secure.

How do ovulation kits work?

Step1: Urine-based test kits your urine for an increase (surge) in luteinising hormone (LH). This happens one day to two days before ovulation.

Step2: A small amount of LH is always present in your blood and urine. But in the days before ovulation, the amount increases by about two to five times. The 12 hours to 36 hours between the beginning of the LH surge and the moment when your egg is released is the most fertile part of your cycle. This is when you are most likely to conceive.

Step:3 Salivary ferning kits allow you to test your saliva with a pocket-sized portable microscope. As your oestrogen levels rise, the salt content of your saliva increases. When the salt dries, it crystallises into a fern-like pattern.

Step4: Ferning is more likely to occur in the few days leading up to ovulation, so checking for this helps to identify your fertile window.

Ovulation test positive result:

Ovulation test positive result image

Ovulation test negative result:

Ovulation test negative result image

How to use ovulation test kit - Video :

Ovulation test kit price India

Best ovulation kit prices in India range from Rs.450 for a pack of 5 pieces

I Know Ovulation test kit costs only Rs.450 and new Instant Ovulation test kit cost from Rs.499.

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