Worldwide there is an increase in fertility problems. Amongst Caffeinated drinks, its consumption of Coffee that is topping the list.
Caffeine and its impact
Coffee is believed to stimulate and keep on alert for a short span of time. Coffee is known to cause quite a few health risks. The one that causes most concern is infertility. Researchers have plenty of evidence that consumption of coffee can decrease fertility. This is because coffee contains a component called caffeine. Consuming it in the form of coffee has health risks as Caffeine is toxic.
Impact on men & women
Drinking Coffee causes infertility in both men and women. When regularly consumed, in a male, Caffeine affects the Sperm count and sperm motility. In a woman, it reduces conceivability by causing hormonal changes that affect the process of ovulation. Also, caffeine has the potential to greatly disturb other infertility treatments that a couple might be undergoing.
Coffee and Planning for pregnancy
Abstinence from coffee for a period of three or four months before trying to conceive will help make the couple conceivable. As about three months is the time immature eggs take to mature and be ready for release during ovulation. And it is the same time sperm cells take to develop, ready to be ejaculated.
How does Coffee or Caffeine influence Fertility?
Scientists still are working on nitty-gritty to ascertain the exact mechanisms. Be that as it may, we have done some research to allude the several effects of caffeine relating to sexual health and fertility:
The Balance of blood sugar
The excessive consumption of caffeine or coffee stimulates the adrenal glands, subsequently causing the glands to release adrenalin hormones and glucose. The constant consumption of caffeine may alter the insulin levels thereby increasing its sensitivity and insulin resistance in the body. All these factors can disturb the normal hormone function and adversely impacting the reproductive health. Many reports insinuate that an increase in insulin levels and resistance has the ability to weaken sperm production and ovulation.
Fallopian Tubes
Fallopian Tubes is the pathway to the transportation of eggs from ovaries to the uterus. The movement of eggs is aided by the finger-like branches, called fimbriae, in the fallopian tube which contracts in delicate, smooth, rhythmic waves motion to carry the eggs from ovary to the uterus. Also, the fallopian tube is the region where the fertilization occurs. But with the increased caffeine level in the body can completely interfere the motion of the fallopian tube thus hindering the transportation of eggs from ovary to uterus.
Mineral loss
Minerals play a vital role in the reproductive health and fertility of the eggs or sperms. Being a diuretic, coffee increases the frequency of urine excretion. In such cases, one might end up eliminating vital minerals via urination. As mentioned earlier, minerals are essentials for sexual health and it is predicated that the loss of mineral due to the excessive consumption of coffee may be a reason why coffee or caffeine can cause infertility to both men and women.
Sperm Quality
The innumerable studies report that caffeine or coffee impair sperm at a subatomic level. From sperm quality to sperm count, the consumption of caffeine or coffee really can hinder the growth of healthy sperm and thus promote infertility in men.