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Can I use delay spray with viagra?

Viagra is used for erectile dysfunction. It is used to treat sexual functional problems like impotence or erectile dysfunction in men. Whereas delay spray which is also called climax delay spray or sex spray is used by men to create sensitivity on the applied area which helps to delay ejaculation. By using desensitizing sprays in India men can stay longer in bed by overcoming early or rapid ejaculation. 

Can I use delay spray with viagra? 

Viagra is used for erectile dysfunction whereas delay sprays are used to treat premature ejaculation. Though there are no negative results against using them together, it is suggested to use one product at a time. As they are two different products that contain different ingredients, it is safe to use one at a time. Since there are no proven results or safety concerns related to using the desensitizing spray and viagra together, some people may consider it safe to use them at a time. However, each individual reacts differently, and make sure to follow the instructions and use the right one that works best for you and your partner.

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Modified on 31 Mar, 2021

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Having some doubt
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