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Can I Use a Menstrual Cup for Discharge?

  • shycart
Can I Use a Menstrual Cup for Discharge?

Because of the collecting attribute of the menstrual cup, it is normal to have doubts about whether a menstrual cup can be used for vaginal discharge. Even though the menstrual cups have a very low risk of TSS around the globe, the risk is a risk and why do you want to put yourself at risk by using it every day or for white discharge. Also if there is no sufficient lubrication, inserting a menstrual cup would not be easy as it will not glide smoothly. The cup might not open easily and removing the cup might also lead to discomfort.

And using menstrual cup every day might exert pressure on the cervix and vaginal walls. This might cause some pain and discomfort. Also, you might end up loosening your vagina. Because the menstrual cups are already being used for 5 days every month. You should let your body to come back to its original state for the rest of the month.

So no, menstrual cups should not be used for white discharge. But, if you could go ahead and buy best menstrual cups and use them for your periods, it is a great alternative and eco-friendly. As menstrual cups are easily available online, you can now experience leak-free and comfortable periods. 

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Modified on 01 Aug, 2022

Comments (5)

It’s incorrect, full of misinformation
about 2 years ago
I like it this pirod
about 3 years ago
Totally factually incorrect, a menstrual cup cant loosen a vagina
about 4 years ago
It could loosen your vagina? Lmfao who wrote this? ????????
about 4 years ago
Telling people a cup will loosen their vaginal walls is ridiculously untrue and wrong to do
about 5 years ago
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