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Drinking coffee and our health

Is there any link with coffee and fertility?


Worldwide there is an increase in fertility problems.
To resolve the same, along with taking other corrective measures, it’stime to analyze our lifestyles, in particular- our food habits. We just aren’teating right: there is junk food and there are caffeinated drinks. Both ofthese play their own roles in destroying the human well-being. AmongstCaffeinated drinks though, its consumption of Coffee that is topping the list.
Coffee is believed to stimulate and keep one alert for a shortspan of time. But regular coffee drinkers feel none of it and consume it mainlybecause of the mental dependence that they have on it. Coffee is known to causequite a few health risks. The one that causes most concern is- infertility. Researchershave plenty of evidence that consumption of coffee can decrease fertility. Thisis because coffee contains a component called Caffeine. Caffeine is a stimulantthat is also found in tea and few other plants. Consuming it in the form ofCoffee has health risks as Caffeine is toxic.
Drinking Coffee causes infertility in both men and women. Whenregularly consumed, in a male, Caffeine affects the Sperm count and spermmobility. And in a woman, it reduces conceivability by causing hormonal changesthat affect the process of ovulation. Also, caffeine has the potential to greatlydisturb other infertility treatments that a couple might be undergoing.
Abstinence from coffee for a period of three or four months before tryingto conceive will help make the couple conceivable. As about three months is thetime immature eggs take to mature and be ready for release during ovulation.And it is the same time sperm cells take to develop, ready to be ejaculated. 11

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