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How to remove menstrual cup?

How to remove menstrual cup?

Menstrual cups are the best period products! They are cost-effective and eco-friendly as well. While using them is pretty easy and convenient, removing a menstrual cup after use can get a bit tricky for first-time users. So, buy  menstrual cups online thay are simple and easy to follow steps to remove menstrual cups after use:

Step 1: Crouch a little:

The first thing to do is to bend down slightly so that you can easily reach the stem end of the menstrual cup. You can crouch to do so or even squat for reaching the cup for easy removal. Once you’ve reached the stem of the menstrual cup, it’s time to move on to the next step!

Step 2: Grab the stem

Using your fingers, grab the end of the stem. Try to slowly move towards the base of the cup above the stem. This should help you in getting a firm grip over the entire stem of the period cup. Once you’re done, move on to the next step.

Step 3: Squeeze and pull

Squeeze the base of the cup while holding the stem. This will break the seal between the cup and the inner genital wall. You can try pinching the base to quickly break the contact of the cup with the genital region. Now carefully pull the cup out by slightly tilting it.

And that’s it! You should be able to remove the menstrual easily by following the steps mentioned above. With frequent usage, you will be able to do it effortlessly!

Points to remember:

1. Don’t stress out if the cup doesn’t come out in the first try as this will unintentionally strain your genital muscles thereby making the removal difficult.

2. Try to keep your fingers dry as wet fingers might loosen your grip over the stem of the menstrual cup.

3. After emptying the cup, wash it thoroughly before using it again.

Now that you know how to remove a menstrual cup, make sure you use them more often rather than ordinary pads for better sanitation and leakage-free periods!

How to remove Menstrual cup infographic:

How to remove menstrual cup in simple steps

As per the reviews and recommendations by whoever has used menstrual cup so far, you can safely buy menstrual cup and start using them with all the details provided in shycart.

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Modified on 14 Jul, 2020

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