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Fertility treatments and birth defect risks

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Fertility treatments and birth defect risks

Lifestyle today is making the very idea of becoming pregnant,a distant dream. Couples that resort to take up fertility treatments are growing in large numbers. Unlike popular belief, infertility is not associated with women alone: a large number of men, too, are infertile. Infertility is over-whelming. So are the treatments. In a hope to conceive, a couple usually undergoes many tests and waits for weeks together for improvement. Among all this, there is an ongoing debate- if fertility treatments pose the risk of birth defects or not.

A study  on the same grounds, published online by the New England Journal of Medicine concluded that 8.3% of children born using assisted conception as part of fertility treatments had some type of birth defect when compared with 5.8% of the naturally conceived babies. However, this is yet to be proven true in all cases.

A major advice that comes across to women is regarding the usage of a drug called clomiphene citrate (Clomid). This drug is inexpensive and is the first and foremost measure that infertile women opt for at home, to stimulate egg production. Under zero medical supervision, usage of Clomidheavily increases the risk of birth defects.

Major birth defects like heart and gastrointestinal defects, and cerebral palsy are found to occur in babies born with assisted conception and assisted reproductive techniques.Researchers have found that embryos created through IVF that are frozen wereless likely to produce babies with defects when compared to embryos that areimplanted without freezing. All these findings are important and pave way forgreater research concerning fertility treatments and birth defects.

Keeping thepossibilities in mind, doctors don’t create false hopes by guaranteeing aperfect baby.

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Modified on 03 Jan, 2017

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